Your Marketing Resources
Simply RIGHT click on the images below to download the files
Your Submission Template
This short Report contains a detailed Template, outlining exactly “WHAT” needs to be included within a successful Sales or Marketing Submission.
When you’ve studied countless Sales presentations over the past 45 years, you start to realise which of them actually work. Then, the secret is to reverse engineer the successful ones – to dissect and arrange each component into a logical sequence.
The result is a Template you can use over and over again – to help guarantee your success.
Copywriting That Counts
Once you know the “WHAT” … you need to master the “HOW”. And your ability to write good Copy will occur naturally – so long as you follow a simple Formula.
This Report contains all you’ll ever need – by providing you with the 9 key Steps to follow … EVERY time you set about writing persuasively.
And now that you possess the Formula (along with a vital Checklist) … you’re able to focus your attention purely on coming up with creative content.
How to Weave Magic With Your Words
This is my personal, go-to Swipe File … which has been compiled, revised and added to over the past 45 years.
In it you will find a whole host of persuasive phrases – proven to take people wherever it is, you’re trying to lead them.
Some of the phrases may seem almost too simple to work – and yet, I can promise you, they do.
Each one can be used on a stand-alone basis. Or you could always create a combination with several others – and use them throughout the same presentation piece.
The Top 25 Most Powerful Advertising Words of ALL Time
This is not merely what I’ve found works for me. Rather, these words have been tried, tested and put together – from insights gained by some of the true Advertising Giants.
All you need to do is simply accept, learn and adopt them.
Then, start using them at every available opportunity – whether you’re preparing a marketing submission, a letter or simply an email to clients.
12 Article Templates
If you’re planning to provide helpful articles for your clients, starting out with a blank page can be somewhat daunting.
So, what you need are some “thought starters”.
That’s where this series of 12 Article Templates will come in rather handy – by providing you with a wide selection of potential formats you could adopt.
Now you will have no excuse for procrastinating, when it comes to writing regular articles.
Your Personal Negotiating Blueprint
You will quickly discover how invaluable these 20 Questions really are – as you embark upon any major negotiation.
And once more, this Blueprint was created and refined, after years spent in the trenches.
And you will find it help in laying out the Framework for a successful Negotiation.